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Born in Kobe, Japan. Bilal studied film at Visual Arts Osaka. His graduation project “Nami To Tomoni” (‘16) was screened at Cannes International Film Festival Short Film Catalogue, Pia Film Festival, and Nara International Film Festival in 2016.

Bilal then began his career as an on-set interpreter and assistant director. This led him to learn and work closely with internationally acclaimed auteurs.

His second short film “WHOLE” ('19), a story about the struggles of multiracial people living in Japan won the Japan Cuts Special Mention Award at the 14th Osaka Asian Film Festival. The film was officially invited to screen in New York’s JAPAN CUTS 2019, the largest Japanese film festival in North America, and made a theatrical debut in 2021.

Bilal was recently assigned to the "Official Film of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Side A" as a co-director and has also taken the role of the program advisor for UNESCO's "Grand Voyage with Africa" where he led a workshop for 10 African female filmmakers.

Bilal currently works as a freelance director based in Tokyo and Osaka, and is developing his first feature-length film project.


兵庫県神戸市出身。ビジュアルアーツ専門学校放送映画学科を卒業。卒業制作『波と共に』(2016) が、なら国際映画祭NARA-waveと第38回ぴあフィルムフェスティバルに入選し、同年開催された第69回カンヌ国際映画祭ショートフィルムコーナーに選出される。


日本で過ごすハーフの青年の葛藤を描いた物語『WHOLE/ホール』(2019) が第14回大阪アジアン映画祭インディー・フォーラム部門にてスペシャル・メンションを受賞。北米最大の日本映画祭JAPANCUTS 2019へ正式出品され、2021年に劇場公開デビューを果たす。

その後、ドキュメンタリー映画『東京2020オリンピック SIDE:A/SIDE:B』に共同ディレクターとして参加し、ユネスコ(国連教育科学文化機関)が主催した文化交流プログラム 『Grand Voyage with Africa』でプログラムアドバイザーを務めるなど幅広く活動する。
